Monday, October 29, 2012

Well, we have made it to the second quarter.  This is no easy feat for a brand new school (and a teacher that is new to the grade level)!  But here we are, and looking back, it really has been quite an experience so far.  Many things have been slow to start, as they usually are when doing new things, but overall, I am really happy with the way things are headed.  Are we perfect?  No, but we trying our best, and that is all that matters.

Parent teacher conferences are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of this week.  That means on those days we will have half days.  Also, on those days, we will be using a BIG chunk (2 hours each morning) to go and rehearse our big music performance in the high school auditorium.  That leaves me with one hour in the morning, and one hour in the well, I guess it would be late morning to do actual academics.  Needless to say, I don't have very heavy stuff planned for this week.

Also for this reason, we are not having a fall (or halloween) party.  There is just simply no time for it.  Kids should not wear their costumes to school.

Here is a copy of our newsletter for this week.

10/29/12 Newsletter

I hope everyone has a safe and productive week!

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